Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dosch Lesson Plan 2


Reading Lesson Plan #2

Rationale (What evidence do you have that your focus students need to learn this skill/strategy?): The students just formally learned the letter u and the /u/ sound, so they are fairly new to working with it in reading and writing. They need as much practice and exposure as they can get.
Objective for this lesson (performance, condition, criteria): My goal is to give them the opportunity to come up with words that start with and have the letter u in them by themselves
Materials & supplies needed: Construction paper, pencils, computer paper, crayons, scissors, glue, Uu picture card

Procedures and approximate time allocated for each event 

Introduction to the lesson   At the beginning of the lesson, I will explain to the students that we will be working with the letter u and words that have the letter u in it. I will tell them that since they just started working with this letter, we will be continuing to practice with it so we become more comfortable with using it in our reading and writing. (1 minute) 
OUTLINE of key events during the lesson  In the first activity, I will show the students the Uu picture card, and ask them if they know what the picture is of (an umbrella). I will then ask if the students know what sound the letter u makes, and have them repeat it with me a few times. Then I will ask them to make the shape of an umbrella every timet hey hear a word with a /u/ sound in it. Then I will read a few words aloud to the students: under, dog, up, umbrella, sun, pin, bus, pausing if any of the students miss a word. For the next activity, I will pass out the computer paper and pencils and have the students draw a few pictures: sun, umbrella, mug, and bug. Then I will pass out construction paper, ask them to put their name on it, and label the border of the paper with “Uu”. I will then have the students cut out and paste their drawings onto their construction paper and have them display them on a board in the classroom. (12 minutes)
Closing summary for the lesson  I will end the lesson by thanking the students for their hard work, and tell them they did a beautiful job. Then I will tell them that knowing your letters and your letter sounds is really important to be a good reader and writer, so we will continue to practice working with this throughout the rest of the school year. (2 minutes)

Ongoing-Assessment:  At the end of each unit there is a test which assesses fluency, sight words, and phonemic awareness. This assessment would be helpful in gauging a student’s progress with their letter and letter sounds. Also, the students do many worksheets that give them practice with letters and letter sounds, so those could act as assessments as well. If the student seems to be struggling with these worksheets and/or the assessment at the end of the unit, I would do a follow-up activity with them in another small group setting and continue to work with them until they showed improvement.
Adaptations: Based on what you know about your focus students, what Academic, Social and/or Linguistic Support will be needed during the lesson?

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